Just the thought off out door sex drive's me nutz hahaha
The thought of being seen or getting attention is wild
Thinking back to the first time, I seen full on outdoor fucking was after a extremely fun night out.
Driving home, I didn't know if the driver noticed the naked couple on the back of the bakkie or if it was just my imagination as we turned into the street slightly closer to home there it was...
A stark naked couple fucking out in the open.. she was split wide open standing upright as he owned that pussy... open air fucking/pounding away while I look on... her eye's glanced at me as he entered her ramming into her, vibrating the entire vehicle.. bang bang her titts bouncing..., only for the seconds it took for us to pass them, this was a memory that I played to got year's after the fact... ,¥€@ř$$!!
My first ever dogging encounter and I'm not sure if I love them or totally hate them for that experience... because now out door sex drive's me wild.
Even just the idea of it gets my breath slow and deep, lusting even a pounding in my chest.... then it quickens and I begin to taste the lust in my mouth
As we say myhornygetshorny