I enjoy wanking men and of course a fetish is wanking a very large man and a large cock. Much to my surprise I was presented with 22cm. I had a chance to really study it, if I was humorous I would say it was probably a third of his entire body weight. He would laugh.
He has a truly magnificent cock he is thin and when he undresses its ordinary about 5 inches long and not even an inch thick. He is uncut and has large balls.
However it grows and grows until he is very large. 22cm large and fits in my large hands with ease. He has veins and he grows into his skin it is remarkable, He must grow at least ten times bigger than his naked self.
His head is about 2 and a half inches and his cock is about two inches thick. It is difficult to describe. It’s akin to a banana but it’s a large cock, there is no other description. It is firm, to hard and big very big.
He comes quite quickly and enjoys the attention. He is straight but enjoys the feelings I create for him. So that’s 22cm for you.