I was not really nervous on how the meeting was going to go, as I've had 1st meets before.
This one was going to be no different.. or so I thought....
Ive Met men from the lifestyle before and some where charming and quiet and polite and very friendly. Some got straight to the point really quickly and we'll some were such Gentleman. They were from all walks of life, from the guy who owned many companies, to the gent who worked in a factory assembly line. These men who were in the lifestyle knew what they wanted and I knew what I wanted.
I thought... I knew what I wanted. I had some great experiences. But meeting him, it was different..
He had a big smile when I saw him.
I didn't know who he was as he was introduced to me through a friend from the lifestyle.
He was different. His smile was infectious and his hugs, oh my gosh his hugs made me wet, Yes wet... I was imaging what it would be like to be with him as I said Hello and we took our seat at the coffee shop.
Such a gentleman I thought...as he let me sit down 1st. He officially introduced himself as J... ,(We will call him J during this conversation... )
J was well built with green eyes and a jaw for days. He was tall and just a hunk of gorgeous. I was laughing and smiling at his jokes and his conversation was mind blowing . He spoke so well and he is a sapiosexual. Something that turns me on greatly..
I asked a few questions and listened to his answers. And it was refreshing to see a man not talk too much about his junk and how he is great at what he does.
Yes DOUCHE BAGS. It's not about You Only.
We had a great conversation and I immediately knew I wanted to explore him.
He said to me" I heard you looking for a D.O.M"
My face ran cold. A chill went down my back straight to my clit. .I felt the cold in my lace underwear and wanted to respond but it felt like the words were drowning in an orgasm in my throat.
For a second I managed to nod my head in response and said Yes...
He asked what type of DOM are you looking for and I said, the sensitive type. He smiled and said that DOMs are not really sensitive but he needs to get clarity.
I said I'm looking for someone to f.ck my mind and my body at the same time. To take me to a place where my body shakes from orgasm after orgasm and all He does is just pleasure me....
He Leaned forward, as though he could smell my sex from under the table. I looked at his hand suddenly leave the top part of the table and wasn't sure if it was cramping or to touch himself. Either the way the thought of him touching anything was a turn on.
We continued with the conversation and he told me about the women he has been with and the experiences and all the while I'm sitting there aching to touch myself and have an orgasm right there in that damn coffee shop. I wanted him to touch me gently as he made his way up my thighs slowly to my wet underwear. I sat there thinking of how his tongue would feel on my clit and I squeezed my honey bird even more. His amazing tongue making circles around my engorged clit and his big beautiful hands touching and tracing my inner thighs. I could hear him say Jane, Do you.. Jane Do you.... And then I realised he was saying Jane... Do you want anything else to drink....
Back to the coffee shop....
I said No thank you and he got the bill and we walked out. He walked me to my car and hugged me again. And this time for a little longer.
We said our goodbyes but I knew it was going to be the start of something amazing. ❤️