Robin and Pete, had been friends, since school days, But like most friendships, they get lost along the way, once one's studies have been completed. Robin's studies completed, he went his merry way, living a life, in the bush, doing studies on birds. While Pete and Robin's sister Pam, kept in touch, by the odd telephone call, as friend's with benefits. Months had passed, and Pete had not heard from Pam, when suddenly, Pete received a call, from Pam. Excitedly, she screamed, "Pete, you won't guess who is back in town?" Pete laughing, replied, "Must be your twelve inch cock, of a lover of a boyfriend, that has exited you, so much." Pam burst out laughing, as she yelled, "I wish it was him, as that is exactly, what I need." Pete, burst out laughing, on the other side of the phone, while thinking to himself, why hadn't Pam ask him?, to satisfy her, like she had done, on numerous occasions before. No, no, she kept screaming, as she screamed, "It is my brother Robin, who is back in town, and he would like to meet up with you, to paint the town, red tonight." Haha, Pete replied, "Paint the town red, with Robin, that will never happen, as you know, how he is with women, when he has, had a few drinks." Haha, Pam replied, "Nothing like you Pete, just wanting to fuck, every woman, that you set your eyes on, when you've had a few drinks." Haha, Pete replied, "Just what we both need." Pam, muttered, "Who are you referring to, Robin, me or you." Pete, burst out laughing as he said, "See you both at eight, for a naughty night out, on the town." Pam slammed the phone down, without saying another word.
It was just past eight, when Pete knocked, on Pam's apartment door. Expecting Pam, to open the door, it opened, there stood Robin, looking more like a grisly bear, with his hair halfway down his back, and his full grown beard, halfway down his chest, as he yelled, "Fuck Pete, great to see you again." As he gave Pete a bear like hug. Leaving Pete, thinking," Where the hell can he take Robin, for a night out, where he will not be recognized?" Grinning, he said to Robin, "got just the perfect place for you." Robin smiling, as he muttered, "Hopefully, there will be plenty of pussy." Pam hearing Robin, yelled. " Fuck Robin, just like you, all you interested in, is some pussy, so now you know, why I don't want to go out, with the two of you."
So Pete and Robin, left for their night out, in the Bronx. As they walked down the street, in the direction, of one of the doggy looking bar's, in one of the back streets of Hillbrow. There it was, the red lights lashing, its name, at the entrance to the bar, which was below street level. Down the stairway they walked, Robin looking rather nervous, with the sound of the music, blaring from downstairs, and the clattering sound of pool balls, bouncing off each other, as Robin looked at Pete, as he said, "Not quite the place, I thought, you would bring me to." Pete, grinning, as he replied, "Thought you were looking for some pussy, for the night" Robin, grinning as they entered the bar area, there stood the bar lady, behind the bar, with her hands pressing firmly on the bar counter, staring in their direction, and both of them staring back at her, with her breasts almost popping out of her blouse, which seemed like it was a few sizes, too small as she yelled, "What will it be for the two of you?" Robin nervously answered, "A tankard of beer for me, and a whisky, for my friend. Grinning, as she turned around, to get their drinks, she muttered, " Whisky, way too classy for this place." Slamming the drinks on the counter, as she returned, she yelled, "That will be fifty bucks for you." Robin stared at Pete, as she yelled again, "That is fifty bucks." Pete handed her the money, she grabbed the money, from his hand, and with a snigger on her face, as she looked at him, as she muttered. "So you, the one with the money, I see." Causing Pete to laugh as he said, " Keep the change." Causing her to grin, as she muttered, " Will cost you way more than that, to get me." Both Pete and Robin grinning, as they stood sipping on their drinks, while the hustlers, were collecting their winnings, from the suckers, on the pool tables, while some of the Pimps, were pimping out their lady's, for a "quickie", in the bathroom. Robin nervously staring towards the stage, tapped Pete on his shoulder, as he muttered, "So when do the pole dancer begin?" Pete burst out laughing, as he said, "Fuck Robin, we have just got here and you are already horny, like always, when you get a few drinks, in you."
At that moment, one of the dancers, took to the stage, to a loud roar, of take it off. Laughing she yelled, "Looks like we have some really horny men here tonight." Robin let out a loud yell, "That is me." causing the dancer to stare in his direction, as she walked over towards Robin, as she stood, next to him, she whispered in his ear, "Will have to see about that," causing Robin, to blush. Laughing, she walked over to the bar, to get herself a drink. While sipping on her drink, and chatting to a few of the men, while Robin was still staring in her direction, and Pete with a grin on his face, as he knew who the dancer was. Robin, seeing Pete's grin, asked? "Pete do you think I will score?" Pete burst out laughing, as he said, "Not with her, as she is the owners girlfriend." Robin's smiley face, quickly turned into a droopy face, as the dancer returned to the stage to commence, with her show. To a loud roar, the show began, her teasing the men, with every move, the men getting more and more hornier, as she rubbed on her breasts, while dancing to the music, as she moved her hands towards her sexy thong, slipping her hand, into the front of her thong, rubbing on her sexy pussy, before slipping her fingers, into her already wet pussy. There she stood, finger fucking, herself, causing most of the men to scream and whistle, wishing, it was their fingers, fucking her pussy.
When down the stairway, walked Kim "The Cougar" a lady, known for her one night stands, dressed in her thigh length black leather boots, and a mini dress, which hardly covered her butt, looking more like a tart, than the teenager, that she was trying to portray, to all the men. Robin seeing her, burst out laughing, as she walked past, Robin and Pete, on her way towards the bar, to get herself a drink. There she stood, sipping on her drink, observing the scenery, and wondering, who was there, for the taking. Staring straight at Robin, she took an immediate fancy, to him, and walked up to him. Grinning, she asked? "So, who have we here? Never knew "Gandalf", was in town." Robin burst out laughing, as he replied. "Gandalf" "You never know, who you may find in town." Causing her to grin, as she looked at Pete, recognizing him, from a previous one night stand, of hers' she said, " You never know, who could be the lucky one." Bringing a huge grin to Robin's face. Seeing Robin's grin, Kim muttered, "Maybe it could be you." Which brought a loud chuckle, from Pete, as he could sense, Kim had taken a real fancy, to Robin.
The night had come and gone, the Dancers, had done their shows, leaving most of the men, feeling even more hornier now than when they arrived. "The Hustlers," had left with all their money's, they had earned from the pool tables, while, "The Pimps," where trying to pimp off their lady's, to some of the horny men. While Kim, was getting, all the attention from Robin and Pete. When suddenly one of the pimps, tapped Robin on the shoulder, and said, "Blondie over there, would like to chat with you." Kim glaring at the pimp, grabbed hold of Robin, pulling his body, closer to hers', as she yelled, "Tell your Blondie, he is mine for the night," as she gave Robin, a huge passionate kiss, which sent a shudder, right through Robin's body. Kim slowly released Robin, from her grip, as she slowly stopped kissing Robin. Robin gasping for breath, as he stood, glaring at Kim, as he let out, a loud sigh. Kim grinning, as she stared back, at Robin, muttered, "Fuck, "Gandalf" you must admit, "A Bird in the Hand, is worth way more than two in the Bush."" Bring a grin to Robin's face, as he muttered, "That is surely true," as Robin grabbed hold of Kim again, and started to kiss Kim all over again. Pete grinning, as he knew, where this was leading too, a night of passionate, rough fucking. There were, Kim and Robin, clasped tight in each others arms, passionately kissing, each other in the bar, while Pete finished sipping on his whisky. As Kim grabbed hold of Robin's cock, with her one hand, causing Robin to jump, as she pushed Robin's head away from hers' with her other hand, as she yelled, "Fuck "Gandalf" feels like you brought your rock, from the bush, into town just for me."
Their glasses empty, and both Robin and Kim, feeling rather horny, like two wild cats, on a hot tin roof, the three of them left the bar. Crossing the street, they made their way towards, Kim's apartment, which was in the apartment block, on the corner of the street. They entered the dimly lit building. Up the stairway towards the third floor, they walked, Very much like, the blind leading the blind, as Kim hung all over Robin, and Robin hanging all over Kim, and with Pete, following in pursuit of the two. Open went the apartment door, Kim pushing Robin through the doorway, as she yelled, "So this is where it all happens". Robin staring at Kim, with a look of fear in his eyes, Kim grabbed hold of Robin's rock hard cock, as she flopped into the only armchair, in the room, hanging her legs, over the armrests of the armchair, and flashing her pussy, in Robin's direction, for Robin and Pete to see. Kim grinning, while rubbing, on her clean shaven pussy, as she yelled, "Fuck, "Gandalf", so is this not what you were hoping for?" Robin ginning, as he saw, Kim sucking on her fingers, that she had slipped, out of her wet pussy, drove Robin wild, causing him to drop, to his knees, and his face, flush against her now already dripping wet pussy, caused Kim to yell, "Fuck, "Gandalf" "Muff Diving", like that, you will cause me to squirt." Robin sucking on Kim's dripping wet pussy, and Kim yelling like a whore, as she yanked Robin's face, away from her pussy, by his hair, as she squirted, all over the floor. Still clinging to Robin's hair, Kim yanked his head, towards her squirt dripping pussy, as she yelled, "Eat, eat "Gandalf" eat, as this time, I am going to squirt, all over your beard. There was Robin, muff diving, for all he was worth, and Kim sucking, on Pete's cock, as if it was a "lollipop". Kim, sucking, and sucking, and Pete moaning and groaning, as if he was ready, to shoot his load. Shoot, shoot he did, flooding Kim's mouth, with his cum. Cum dripping from Kim's mouth, all over Robin's hair, Kim yelled, "Gandalf" my pussy, needs that cock of yours. Kim yanking, Robin by the hair, as she slipped out of the armchair, there they both stood, staring at each other, as Kim slipped out of her mini dress, there she stood naked, as she ripped off, Robins clothes, leaving them in a bundle, on the floor, as she pushed Robin onto the mattress, that was lying on the floor, in the middle, of the room. Kim grinning, while staring at Robin, as he lay, on his back, and Kim pushing with her foot, on Robin's rock hard cock, as she said, "Pete you can leave your friend with me, as you know, he and I, are going to fuck the night away, just like you and I did a few weeks ago." Pete grinning, as his grin, turned into a smile, as he looked at Robin, as he muttered, "enjoy every moment while you can," as he left the apartment. Fucking, fucking, there was going to be plenty, as Kim was a lady, that enjoyed fucking, in every possible position, known to man, and had no stopping, to fucking, every young man, she set her sights on.