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" Knowing One's Friends..."

"Friends with benefits..."

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Travelling through Europe with very little money, can be extremely stressful, especial if one's return ticket has a month and a half still to go, before one can return home. ( I was 23 at the time.)

There I was, living on the outskirts of London, after returning from spending time with friends of mine, in Germany, that I had met while studying at university. Spending, my daytime site seeing, and my evenings pub crawling, while chatting to strangers, who were prepared to listen, before returning to my digs for night, which was a dormitory, consisting of four bunk beds, which were occupied by persons, who reminded me of drug addicts and pimps back home. I must admit, it was a place, I had never dreamt of ever living in. But that was all my budget could afford at that present moment. Left me thinking most night's, how lucky I am, as at least I have a roof over my head, and not left sleeping on the street.

There I sat, at the bar, with an empty seat next to me, sipping on my warm beer, staring at the ceiling, while the musician was singing a song, as he was strumming on his guitar, as some of the patrons, were stamping their hands on the tables to the beat of the music. There he stood, almost six foot six tall, and almost as broad, as he was tall, pulling back the empty chair, as he looked down at me. Left me wondering, and thinking, to myself, not the type of guy, one would get into a fight with, as he took his seat. Seeing the fear in my eyes, he burst out laughing, as he introduced himself, as Ronnie. Both of us shaking hands, as Ronnie ordered a beer for himself. There the two of us sat chatting. Ronnie been very much more like a close book, not giving much information away, while prying into my life, by peppering me with questions like , " Asking where have I come from? As he could hear from my accent, that I was not from London." Before I could answer, he peppered me with the next question, as he asked? " So where I am living while in London?" Hearing the name of the digs he burst out laughing, as he said, " Will have to get you out of that place, as that place, is known for been a haven for pimps, prostitutes and drug addicts, " Unless you are one of them." He said. While firing the next question? He asked? " So what made you move into that place? Laughing, I replied, " Definitely not one of them." As I said, "That is all what my budget will allow me." Shaking his head, he said, " Leave it to me, maybe I can get you a job in the warehouse where I am working." One beer, became two, as we kept chatting. It was just past ten and Ronnie, was ready to leave for home. Ronnie stood up, shaking my hand, as he said. " Hopefully, will have good news for you, tomorrow evening, as he made his way towards the exit of the pub. There I sat, sipping on my beer, thinking, what a kind person, and will I see him tomorrow evening again, or was he just another person making empty promises. As there are many of those kind of people in this world. My beer glass empty, I made my way back to my digs for the night. There I lay on my bunk, thinking what Ronnie had said about the place, which was called, "The Purple Hole." Thinking how appropriate the name could be. Hoping the days of living here would soon be a thing of the past.

Breakfast was over, and back on the streets, I went, for another day of site seeing. The day flew past, as I visited many places of interest. It was just past seven, as I entered the pub. Looking around the pub, there was no sign of Ronnie. I muttered to myself, " Just like I thought, a man of empty promises." As Ronnie entered the pub, putting his arm around my neck, putting my head into a headlock, as he said, " All the beers are on me tonight my friend, as I have got good news for you." The boss said he would like to see you, " As he could use you, as one of the packers in the warehouse was going on leave next week. The pay might not be great, but at least you will be earning something Ronnie said. After celebrating with a few beers. Plans were made for me to go in with Ronnie the next morning. The interview lased a few minutes. There I was employed even though it was just for two weeks, it was better than nothing, and I would be out of "The Purple Hole".

It was Monday morning, and my nerves were getting the better of me, while I was waiting for Ronnie outside my digs. Hoot, hoot went the horn of Ronnie's car. There he stopped to let me get in. Laughing he said, what does it feel like been a member of the working class again. Stuttering, I answered, " Not sure, as I have only got a visitors Visa. Hopefully, I won't get caught." Ronnie burst out laughing, as he said." Don't worry about that, as you will be paid in cash, and there will be no records of you working." On entering the warehouse, I was introduced to all the other workers. Some were friendly, while others gave one the impression, that they would take one out, in an alley at any given opportunity. Ronnie, took me under his wing from the very first day. Picking me up for work, in the morning and dropping me off in the evening after we had, had a few beers and something to eat. The week flew by, and it was Friday, and it was payday. It was not much, but the few hundred pounds, was enough to get me out of "The Purple Hole." Until I was ready to fly home.

On the way home, Ronnie looked at me, as he asked, " Would you like to join me, to go clubbing tonight?" Thinking it could be fun, I quickly replied. " That could be fun." Ronnie laughing, replied. "It surely will be fun, fun like you have not had in a while." Turning into the driveway, Ronnie looked at me, as he said, "This is my digs." Which looked like a mansion. Left me thinking, where does he get the money to afford a mansion like this, working as a packer in a warehouse. Quickly, I mumbled to myself, it has nothing to do with me, and just be grateful that I have a friend. As we entered the house, which looked even more luxurious from the inside, than it did from the outside. Ronnie, smiling, asked, rather bashfully? "So what do you think of my digs?" Lost or words, and starting to stutter over my words, two ladies entered the lounge where we standing. There I stood, looking rather confused at Ronnie, as he had never said a word about having a wife, he introduced me to his wife Sarah and her sister Jenny. Them staring at me, they asked Ronnie, "So who is he?" Ronnie, replied, " He is Billy, who I met at the pub and is working with me for a few weeks, while on holiday in our country. Ronnie staring at Sarah and Jenny, asked, "So are the two of you ready to go clubbing?" Jenny replied, " Of course, as you know how the two of us can't wait for the all night the fun." Left me wonder what fun Jenny was referring to. Both of them immaculately dressed, looking so sexy in their tight body fit white mini skirts and all the matching accessories, we left for the club.

Driving down the road, Jenny was the most talkative of the two ladies. Her wanting to know all about me, and how I was enjoying my time London, while staring in my direction, as she slowly moved closer towards me, she slipped her hand onto my upper leg, slowly rubbing her hand on the inner part of my upper leg. Knowing all to well what she was doing to me, she moved her hand from my upper leg, and started to rub on my crotch, causing an instant erection. Jenny, grinning, while staring at Ronnie through the rearview mirror " Yelled out loudly, Fuck, Ronnie you surely know how to pick your friends." Sarah, spinning around, and glaring at Jenny, as she asked, "What do you mean?" Jenny grinning, and still clinging onto my erection, replied, "With a cock like Billy's he will drive most lady's crazy. Sarah grinning, and staring in the direction of Jenny's hand, on my crotch, said, "Just like you Jenny, trying to get every man into bed." Ronnie, grinning, while looking at me through the rearview mirror, said, " Come on girls he is my friend." Bringing a chuckle from Sarah and Jenny, as they said, " Ah, don't tell me Billy is one of them." Ronnie burst out laughing as he said, " Who knows, he might be into a hot threesome." Causing Sarah and Jenny to chuckle again, as they yelled, " would we be so lucky." We arrived at the club. A rather gloomy looking building, which seemed to be off the beaten track, with its name flashing in bright red lights. Left me wondering, where was Ronnie taking me to spend the evening.

On entering the club, the décor was done in black and red, and looking just as gloomy on the inside as it did on the outside. Gave me the impression of been a Ladies club of the night or a brothel. Ladies sitting at tables chatting to each other, while there were a few men sitting at the bar enjoy a drink or two, while the music was playing in the background. The four of us sat at a table sipping on our drinks, which were served by a skimpy clad waitress, called Nicki. Now totally confused, not sure what I had led myself into, while been in a foreign country, it was way too late to back out now, as I had no idea where we were. Sarah and Jenny stood up and made there way towards the bar, with their drinks in their hand, there they stood chatting to two of the gentlemen, who were sitting there. That been the last I had seen Sarah and Jenny at our table for the evening. Ronnie seeing the fearful look on my face, started to laugh as he said, " I can see you not use to been in a place like this, you don't have to worry the club belongs to me."

The club slowly started to fill up, with single ladies, single men, and couples. Most of the patrons seemed to know each other, and started to mingle with each other, on the dance floor. Reminding me of a swinger's club, I had frequented back home. The choice of background music had also changed, with the main artist been music from Donna Summers album, "Love To Love You Baby." Sarah and Jenny seemed to enjoy themselves on the dancefloor, with various men as the night went by, disappearing every now and then, which didn't seem to worry Ronnie. Looking at Ronnie, I asked him, if it didn't worry him the way his wife and her sister carried on during the evening. Laughing, he replied, "Why should I? Look at the home they they have provided for us." Laughing now I knew exactly what I had let myself into for the evening. A night of lust and wild sex. While both of us sipping on our drinks, which were free flowing, I never said another word, about the goings on in the club. Just left me thinking, did Ronnie think I would be an asset for business, with my sultry blue eyes and wavy long blonde hair.

It was just before twelve, and the patrons started to leave for home, and I knew the entrance to my digs, would be locked at twelve, and I knew that there would be no chance of me, making it in time, and left we wondering where would I spend the night. It was closer to one by the time we let the club, and made our way back to Ronnie's home. Neither Sarah nor Jenny, saying a word, while staring in my direction, with the occasional grin, a grin which said a thousand words, during the journey. Ronnie staring at both Sarah and Jenny, broke the silence, as he asked " So have you two ladies lost your tongues, or are you just annoyed, that the evening did not turn out as you were hope it would. Both ladies grinning, Ronnie mumbled, " I am sure the two of you wouldn't mind if Billy slept on the couch this evening." Bringing laughter from the two ladies, as they muttered, " Who is going to be the lucky one." As we entered the house, Jenny rushed up the stairway, as if she needed the bathroom, or was she just annoyed and off to bed, with out even greeting anyone, with the three of us sitting around the bar, Ronnie asked?, " Sarah, will you pour Billy and myself a night cap whisky, please?" Sarah pour us each a drink.

Sarah standing behind the bar and Ronnie and I sitting on the other side of the bar, sipping on our drinks, and me realizing how sexy Sarah really was, and Ronnie staring into Sarah's eyes with that come to bed look, as his stare turned into a smile, as he said, You will make a rather sexy bar lady. Sarah laughing, replied that will never happen. At that moment Jenny entered the bar, with her hair done on the top of her head, and dressed in her dressing gown, held closed by a bow around her midriff. Ronnie seeing Jenny, grabbed hold of the bow, as he yelled, " so what is this, pulling on the bow, causing Jenny's robe to open. As Jenny yelled back at Ronnie, "We have got a guest in the house." Ronnie laughing, replied, " a guest, haha, he is a family friend, don't tell me you shy of Billy seeing you naked" Haha Jenny laughed as she took her drink, and went to sit on the couch against the wall. There she sat, with her one foot on the couch, while the other hung over the edge, flashing her sexy clean shaven pussy for everyone to see, causing Ronnie to laugh, as he took the last swig of his whisky. Taking Sarah by the hand, as they left the bar. Leaving Jenny sitting on the couch, and me sipping on my whisky. While sipping on her drink, Jenny started to rub on her sexy pussy, causing her to let out a groan every now and then, causing me to turn around and grin, while staring at Jenny playing with her pussy, arousing me more and more, and my rock hard cock, pushed tight against the front of my trousers causing a bulge for everyone to see.

Jenny burst out laughing, as she said, " Fuck it looks like you enjoying what you are seeing." Haha, I laughed, as I said, " what makes you think that." Jenny still rubbing on her pussy, which was now dripping wet, as she yelled, " Come on Billy, I can see that bulge in the front of your trousers." Laughing, I stoop up, my drink still on the bar counter, I started to walk in the direction of Jenny, while Jenny was still rubbing on her pussy. There I stood, staring at Jenny's pussy, pushing her hand a side, I bent over and started to suck on Jenny's pussy lips, causing Jenny to yell out loud, "Fuck Billy, what are you doing to me." Lifting my head, and staring into Jenny's eyes, I mumbled, "Do you want me to stop." Jenny pushing my head tight against her pussy lips with her two hands, Yelled, " Definitely not, that is what I have been waiting for all night long. There I was sucking on Jenny's drenched pussy, the sucking getting more and more vigorous, and Jenny's screaming getting louder and louder, which could surely be heard all over the house. Slipping my tongue between her drenched pussy lips, drove Jenny wild, as she pulled on my hair, as she kept screaming, you going to make me cum. Cum she surely did, not once but on many occasions as I kept tongue fucking Jenny. The taste of her cum, was driving me crazy, and all I wanted to do was fuck Jenny silly.

Down went my trousers, out slipped my cock, causing Jenny to yell, "With a cock like this you could make millions." Haha I laughed, as Jenny slipped my cock into her mouth. Sucking on the head of my cock as if it was a lollipop. Biting on the rim of the head of my cock every now and then, arousing me more and more. Jenny slipped my cock deeper and deeper into her mouth, until it was totally submerged in her mouth. Jenny started to deepthroat on my cock. Saliva running all over my balls and down my legs, and me pulling on her nipples with my fingers, causing Jenny, to loose control of her body movements, bouncing up and down, while she was sitting on the couch, deepthroating on my cock. Jenny, finally released my cock from her mouth as she yelled. "Fuck I need to ride this cock, and have it deep inside me." Pulling me onto the the couch. There I sat, leaning against the backrest, and my cock pointing to the ceiling. Jenny, straddled me, and her thrusting down on my cock, until my cock was deep inside her pussy, There she sat on my lap, moving her body from side to side, as Jenny slowly started to ride my cock. Bouncing up and down, and Jenny getting more and more wild, her butt bounce hard against my pelvis, and her screaming like whore, who was hoping the fucking would never end. When suddenly the figure of Ronnie appeared in the doorway, as he yelled," Fuck Jenny what do you think you doing? And how do you expect anyone to sleep in this house, with all your screaming?" Jenny stared back at Ronnie as yelled, " Can't you see I am fucking, Billy" Ronnie yelled back at her. " Have you forgotten the rules, of the house. You don't bring your steamers home to fuck." Jenny grinning, said, " Billy a steamer, definitely not, I thought you said he was a family friend, so what is wrong with fucking him. Ronnie, grinning, left the bar and went back up stairs.

There we both still on the couch, Jenny still sitting on my lap, and my cock still deeply submerged in Jenny's drenched pussy, Jenny smiling as she move her body from side to side, as she whispered in my ear, " With a cock like yours, you would drive many a lady at the club crazy, and you would make more in a night than what you would make in a week at the warehouse packing." Grinning back at Jenny, and knowing that was true as I worked as a Giglio at Annie's Agency, when I was a student. Jenny started to ride on my cock again. Bouncing up and down. Jenny started to ride my cock more vigorously, as she stared to moan and groan all over again. Yelling and yelling, " You going to make me cum. Cum she did. My cock drowned in her cum, Jenny just kept riding my cock until I shot a load of my warm sticky cum deep in her pussy. feeling the warmth of my cum in her drenched pussy, she whispered in my ear. " Fuck Billy, just what I needed before going to sleep." Laughing, Jenny stood up, licking my cock clean from all the cum, and grinning as she looked at me as she said, " So are you going to go clubbing with us this evening. Laughing, I said, that depends on Ronnie." Jenny burst out laughing, as she said, " Fuck Ronnie, it is the ladies at the club that that will have the final say." As she let the bar, and me alone to sleep on the couch.

What happened on the Saturday evening, will follow soon.

Written by KeepPeeping

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