yip, so while the wife was away on conference , i did my p.a....
wife came back from conference this thursday....
she flaunted the photo' S OF HER SEXCAPADE....
She went INTERACIAL and she told me she had all colours of cock in her....
the most interesting story when she was handled by four team mates , bearing in mind, she is indian , so she went black and white..
she was continuously fucked by her four team mates for 4-5 hours at a time........she enjoyed it, they
ravaged her......
on wednesday evening , she confessed how she blowed them off one by one and she swallowed.....she had protected sex , but i think she's lying cos i caught her taking the morning after pills....
this makes me so freaken horny,,,i fucked my wife at every opportunity....
now i have a thing for beautiful white and black women, no lie, i have been cheecking them out, they are HOT