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Power of Heels......Power of Mind ....part 3


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Author's Notes

"Unfolding, presents, the venture"

Part two ended with…..

This man reminds me of the medieval French. The Goliards who bloomed from celebrating the pleasures they derived from life’s earthier side. Appreciating great wines, nature and lust well expressed through music. So much for day 18.  Sigh, 17 days to go, I softly uttered.  Pulls up panties after the bidets use. still with envelope in my mouth. Pulls dress down. Envelope in diary under arm. Off to rinse hands. While at the hands dryer, shakes head saying out loud, 17 fucking days Let’s go day.



Continue /3....


Power of Mind…….Power of Heels…..continue

Part three/ 3

Day 17, guess what,........ it arrived, fetching my morning start coffee. Cheekily looking at that box. Rather opening the box on my sideboard, instead of the one on my desk. Sits at my desk, finding myself stapling, 18 staples to secure the lose envelope of the day before to the page, not that there was any purpose or use for that.  Though, I feel freshly invigorated. By 13h26, received a phone call from a young lady, confirming my dinner reservations, the where,  the time, dress code with a reminder not to forget the envelope , the one that reads no 17. Slight race in my breathing. I am very comfortable with the place of choice. A very familiar venue frequented by me. I eagerly confirm and thank the young lady for the call and service extended. Of course, the day felt like forever. Going home at last, stripping piece by piece from the front door as I enter my space, happily moving through to the kitchen. Crushed Ice with ginger, lime and cucumber. Heels in the one hand, glass in the other, off to the bathroom. Leaving my swirl of refreshment there, to sip on during my showering. .. deposit the laundry where it belongs. Naked enjoy the bedroom trip for my bag and work bag. Music to set the ambiance with vanilla candles, even though the sun is still shining, smiles at the late afternoon rays caressing me in the bathroom.  Gentle jazz pats down my canvas. A playful flow in the shower, gentle caress from the late sun rays, loads of vanilla and  coconut foam, fused with  black pepper and cranberry.  My crispy drink in reach and so are my thoughts. Shit, I loudly express as I realize, I never took envelope number fucking 17. Dammit! This simply means the shower won’t be that long, less playful. This means…..get done as you would had, pop in by the office on your way. A bit of a bummer, detour and time loss, but so what. Its only envelope number fucking 17. (Though deep down inside, I know it’s more than that)

Refreshed, oiled, and dressed after I draped myself in deep red wine underwear trickled with lace and silk. Of course the wild dry hair look, last but not least, heels to match the under. A tinge of YSL Cuir revealing my under. As I depart draped with my Cuir fragrance, I remember a soft shawl to drape the shoulders, just in case. Of course the detour stop at the office for envelope damn 17. With everything in place, comfortably in time at the restaurant. Received with warmth and seated. My waiter for the evening arrives at my table to introduce him gorgeously self. Handsome, easily 1m75 or more, (thinks to self) so hot, who needs a menu. Masculine, spicy luring drizzle, fuck!!

Soon served with a lovely wine, a Chenin blanc, floral bouquet with absolute tinge of saffron.

A favorite, though I never ordered yet, then again, neither did I, the envelopes or flute glasses. Smiles….. (Note to self) imagine you are on a trip to Honolulu girl…. I realize, I never saw this drizzle of a waiter here before, one hot piece of newness. Wonders if he does female laundry like aired florets as a personal service, hand cared for. Perhaps a massage while waiting on the humidifier…..smiles behind my glass …………

The chemistry between me and the waiter, a strength of energy by itself. He is so subtle, suggestive. He’s long straight hair neatly tied back, the black attire complimenting the hair and fair complexion. Short stubble cheeks, high cheekbones, darker brows, blue eyes.  Strong character, and personality. Confidant, in every step he takes, the man has swag…… Serving me a silver plate covered with a vintage silver cloche. Steps away and give me that adorable smile. I am thinking where this other person is, I mean, dinner with who? The lost soul on the highway? Sipping on my wine, opening the cloche to find an envelope on the platter. Also observing , the flower arrangement on my table, delicate arrangements of petals around a candle which is in its own glass bubble, with breathing outlets on top. Very unique though different to the other tables. Huge sigh while looking at an unnumbered envelope. Firm murmuring deep voice from behind says, go on, open it, as the waiter passes. I raise my brow at him. Appreciate another sip of my wine. He returns asking permission to remove the server, saying of course you get to keep the envelope, with such a suggestive smile. Ma’am, I will return shortly with your starter. (Such a shit, suggestive and now ma ám me) I decided to just allow whatever plays out to present itself.  I am being served with a delightful tiny Mozambique shrimp starter. A beautiful bite, enough to tease the appetite. The waiter is on point, as the entire restaurant usually is. After my starter, having looked at the envelope enough. I decided to slaughter it open, the unnumbered envelope which reads, you came this far. Soon, if not already opened no 17, you should be ready for dinner. Hoping number 17 is with you to read during dinner. Bold Initials as usual. With the added xoxo.

Ps* this time…enjoy your dinner, you will be well taken care of. Of course, now, the mixture of amber, rum and Tonga, lingers on my fingertips, such a fucking tease…..  When my dinner was served,  Pan- Seared Salmon with Kale and Apple Salad (I loved the cranberries) enriching the salad.  This waiter, serves the flirtiquette way, as his slight stretch pass me, the unbuttoned shirt part, suggestive, such seductive play, hot fucking tease. Guess my dinner date is envelope no 17. I am thinking, Mr understands the passion of foreplay, strategically. Most only do foreplay in bed or on the way to have some sex.  It reads……., me time is important, you earned it. (I just about choke on my salmon, as I chuckle.)  Tomorrow with your espresso, do indulge in no 16, as your day starts. You tolerated the journey up to this point, now indulge in the rest, its only 16 days, after tonight.  I do look forward to our appointment. Thank you again for entertaining me, more importantly, for your willingness in contribution in fund raising. Btw, your elegance this evening is like a spread on toast. Xoxo . Bold Black initials, with gold dust.

I smile as I tuck the note back into the envelope. ….perhaps I will read it again…..during dessert…….I thought. Little did I know I am joined for dessert time?  The hot drizzle, serves my very seductive desert, bite size, zesty lemon pudding with a drizzle of Blueberry syrup, decorated with florets of Mul and raspberry. I was ecstatic for  the join and flirt, even though it was short, with a departure to ensure my espresso fused with dark chocolate is personally prepared by him. I might had imagined nibbling on him if I had to have enjoyed the dessert bite in his company. The table was cleared, the coffee delivered close up and personal, a serviette to my lap, just in case, ma’am, he said with that very luring eyes, accompanied by his suggestive smile. I felt the warmth riddled my insides as he draped my lap with a serviette.  The warmth from his fingertips, over my lap, touching my bare skin on my legs.   In my mind, I thought it is not a bad idea, the art now would be to drink without slurping, or drooling. His Instructions received was to accompany me enjoying my coffee with light banter, to be sure I am safely taken care of to my transport. There was no bill to settle, apparently it was all taken care of. When I was ready, packing up my envelopes, standing up composing myself, he lifted the shawl off the back of my chair an offered to drape my shoulders, offering his arm to support me before escorting me out. After he closed my door, I felt very comfortable in my embrace of warmth I was left in.

At home, removing my heels, wipe, them as per usual and leave them were the morning sun will caress them. I imagine this little foreplay by warm lips and stubble cheeks………. I slowly open the zipper at my back to play across my spine, as it reaches to find my lower back. I move my hands over my lacy  undies, guiding them over my breasts and thighs. Slithering between my linen with him on my fingertips, my tongue finds the tips of rum and Tonga……..leather strands in mind,  perhaps, first velvet strands, preparing the canvas for the leather strands  to follow with distinct lines……..such satisfaction, just by  thinking of it,  as I drift ……..

16th day arrived, good girls are up early, all her ducks in a row. So well the row of ducks is waiting at the office on attention. ………In my office, singing and smiling as per usual, knowing I may reach into that box early today. Let’s get the coffee machine warmed up so I could have coffee and read, while I drink. To my surprise, a little box same as the larger ones, next to my coffee machine as I turned the coffee machine on. Looking at it, hmmmmmm, draw the ribbon, lift the lid refreshed amber, a tiny note on top that says….slip these on before you have your coffee, I remove the black note and gold sticker. Lift the black tissue paper, find a silky black panties with a gold charm in front,

His initials engraved on the charm, in calligraphy font.  I have this warm glow visiting my face, smiles, push the pod in the machine. Quick manoeuvre behind my desk exchanging panties. It fits….  I softly said. Love the feel and fit. Very chuffed in a way. Walks around my desk just to experience the feel of the texture on my skin. Fetches my espresso, returns to my desk. Reach and open the box on the corner of my desk, reach into it, envelope no 16. Slides my hand under my dress, runs it over my panties, feel the gold charm. Re compose myself, indulge in a first sip of espresso. Opens the envelope, removes the rice paper.  I hope you liked the little reading equipment, wear it when you go to sleep tonight. Just to entertain my mind and have me between our thighs, Enjoy the rest of your day with me on you. Big Bold Initials, gold brush. I loved the start of this day, let’s give credit to the coffee…. Winks at myself in the mirror.

15 days to go……. There was no Instructions, no notes no nothing, I’m thinking while I shower, and removing the panties I slept in, in the shower. I use my rich foamy berry body wash to refresh my new panties.   My nipples harden even more while my thoughts visits many possibilities as I erotically use the rich foam to play with my breasts and nipples. I leave my clean rinsed panties on the glass door for the morning sun to have the privilege. At the office, everything is so normal, it feels abnormal. By afternoon tea time, everything is still as normal as in every other day. I decide to reach into that box, and indulge in envelope no 15. With my berry tea next to me, my first envelope with tea. It reads, if you are not sitting down somewhere, find somewhere private so you could just hold your right-hand between our thigs, feel the heat for a minute or two, while you think of me……Big bold initials with a gold brushed finish. …….I return the note to its envelope…..enjoy my tea with my left hand and do exactly as the note read. Right hand between my thighs, allowing the amber to abduct me for a few hot moments. I can feel the welled up moist, tempted to guide a way further than my thighs…as I part my legs slightly, my cell phone interrupts a moment of great warmth……. I guess tea time is over for now…..

14 days to go……after my morning shower, I decided to wear that little you on me to the office today. On the way to the office, I can’t help thinking of number 14, in the box, waiting for me in anticipation. Smiles at myself as my sight catches a glimpse in the review mirror…..Another very normal day at the office, so normal I wonder if it is normal as per usal or just me feeling it to be so. Of course my box on the corner of my desk is open, inhaling that amber and Tonga fumes. I am saying to the box, just fucking abduct me to the Tonga forest to experience the secrets of the beans…..I have a lot of little business to take care of during the afternoon, this also means,  I am in and out of the office a fair amount of often…… I am known for creating my own vocabulary, which is  loved by some as much as by some, not. . As I return at one point, a quick glance at the box, whispering out loud, no14, hang in there, I am as excited to get you out of there as what you are excited to be opened. Reaching the end of the day which was, a in and out of, the office day, I close my box before departure, after I placed no 14 in my bag to accompany me home. This 14th night, after all is done, I undress, leaving my undies on, slip into something a bit more soothing, a silky gown. Trotting around in my heels. Enjoying my panties who was out to the office with me today. I was kept so busy, I neglected it. Motivating thoughts to ponder …….wonders if the bold gold brushed Initials have it in him to re shape such negligence with an art of warm spanking…… I remind myself, he is not around at the moment to find out. … Thinking what an Intense but sensual journey the findings could become. Pouring myself a lovely crisp light vino to enjoy while I cook in my heels and black panties. Enjoying the very subtle reminder of the charms initials on my bonnet. Before I start, I draw patterns with the wine on my legs with a silicon kitchen utensil. I continue to my breasts in the quarter cup bra. My nipples were teased from my shirt all day. I suddenly remember envelope no 14…….  After I fetched it, sitting on the counter top next to the stove. I enjoy the coolness from the marble top on my ass cheeks through the silky lounger. The awareness erecting my nipples more than fully. It like fucking screams at the fucking Tonga Woods, you are late in my abduction….Picturing myself in the woods, absorbed in  a little bondage in my heels, totally immersed by the warmth of nature, ferns caressing my canvas, morning dew drops trickle over my naked  breasts. The warmth of his breath having foreplay with every mm of skin, No contact in the flow, other than he’s breath.  Blindfolded deepening the experience. I cannot hear him, touch him, and see him. Deprivation, left to hand over to our connection and trust. I deepen my focus as I zone in on my remaining senses to identify my safe space as the power of complete bondage encapsulate my breathing caressed canvas. My pores are breathing with desire…….a distinct little burn, from the steam on the stove next to me , pulls me back to where I am in my kitchen.

I taste the exotic  stir fry off my finger, before I open the envelope. Another sip of vino, I read… have me between your thighs, how about adding this little gesture  on your bra. Just a subtle reminder …You can be creative…. Big Bold Initials, gold brush xoxo. I smile as I remove the bra clip from underneath the sticker holding it to the paper. Tiny matching gold round charm with its dangling fine chain and engraved initials. I gently slide it over the middle front of the bra. Nope, I said, changing it to be attached to my bra strap on my left  side, to enjoy the little dangle and tickle from it from time to time. Removing my silk gown before I relax on the lounger with my exotic vegetable mix. I love the little company on my bra keeping my skin company ……. Enticing…..

Waking up with my black panties, well soaked and warm between my thighs from pure pleasure enjoyed before I drifted, drifted away……..


Day 13…… getting closer….. Stretches, yawns and more stretches. Thinking out loud, who says number 13 is unlucky.  Rolls of the bed, not wanting to get up today. I would prefer a hot shower, a great flogging session. With horsetail strands, (supreme distinct refined) to follow with the drift of leather flogger, one which impacts with weight. Preserved in bondage afterwards before being unwrapped to flow back into the rhythm of life…….. Distinctive tongues to caress the canvass for art. A new painting, as every day is.    My Inner voice addresses my little mind.....drag that ass girl, go – go - go. It’s not like you have a flogging session booked for the day, go find no 13 in the box……. This little dangler on my left side, on a black silky bra. Heels to match the under. The initials dangle quite a conversation to my skin, (talking to the clip, ...... woman, you will have to transfer the clip to a new bra after morning showers) Quiet the mind...... I move along with the tunes, until I arrive at work. My mind wants to wonder, thinking of infliction Instruments with bold black carved Initials ……… indentation marks on my canvas…….. I can feel that amazing sensational heat as it fuses with my canvas, desiring. Bites my lip as one of my colleagues interrupt my amazing mind space….. Excited at my coffee machine, preparing that, let’s go espresso… required focus to be part of that day and for  my head to stay  where it was supposed to be. Leaves the boxes closed. Just glance over at them. Talking out loud, at the boxes..... guys you have to hang in there, I have meetings this morning as I glance over my diary.

Dammit 13, I said out loud….. Takes a plastic bag, push my hand inside the box, takes thirteen out the box, pulls the plastic bag over it, folding it close and leave it in my bag for later. Sorry thirteen, but today is one of those days, let me keep that damn Tonga out of my breathing space, off my fingertips, smiles though as I said to it, you are in my control, sealed in a bag.  Late afternoon, I had a few minutes to grab a light bite and coffee. I ordered my favorite natural yogurt with muesli and honey. The honey and yogurt mix swirled in my mouth…….re directs my thinking to envelope 13. Somehow from this, I created the perfect flogger with 13 specific strands. I realized by the time I left.  I also realized the sticky feeling on my wrist is from honey,  I must have dropped while I was eating with a wondering mind. How clumsy. Best to stay focused, get the day done in success and deal with the secrets of your canvas once you are home. (Known for having these little conversations with the self, as all do, some just refuse to admit it. ) Cleans myself with a wet wipe and continue the day. The evening after a late home arrival. I had a dinner appointment which my calendars alert reminded me of.  After all set and done, Slithered between my sheets at last, I decided to leave no 13, unread but opened, under my pillow, with the envelope fully dissected. I lied on my bed, eyes closed with the envelope draped over my nose and cheeks. Just allow the fragrance to invade my pillowcase, my mind, my spirit, my canvas, my pores …. Why I did not think of doing that before….(Of course, you know why). Battling with my energetic mind as I try to fall asleep, without peeping at the opened no 13. Trying to appease my mind with the mere fact, the following day you could read one in the morning and one in the later part of the day…. After much time on disciplining the mind to stay where it should be……tangled in leather strands and male presence which was leading, I drifted into a slumber with my naked canvas.(un- marked)

Part 4 to follow...../

Originl/ Printed/ Documented/ Owned

All rights reserved

published November 2023 BOH

Written by BitchOnHeat

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