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" Audrey Accompanies Nerd Billy On Vacation..."

"The Grades Were Out...So was the fun... But Nerd Billy Over achieved Again..."

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There they stood, the three of them. Staring at the certificate displaying Billy's grades, which he had achieved for his BCOM degree. Billy's stepmom Audrey, stood proudly smiling, at him, while his dad had a frown on his brow, as he asked? " Why not all A's Billy? " Billy, grinning, as he yelled, " So off to Paris, we going, as you had promised me, when I completed my degree. Haha, his dad Dennis laughed, as he replied, " With grades like those, it will only be a vacation at the sea." Billy looking rather disgusted, as he asked? " Why?" Dennis grinning, replied, " It was those "Two B'S" that cost you, your trip to Paris." Audrey, holding Billy around his shoulders, while staring at Dennis, as she said. " That is so mean of you." Laughing Dennis replied. " Life is full of up's and down's." Audrey burst out laughing, as she stared at Billy, with that naughty twinkle in her eyes, as she said. "I can vouch for that, Billy. Definitely more down's than up's in my life for sure" Billy burst out laughing, imagining what Audrey was referring to, as he said, " Lucky me, at least then I can go alone and have plenty of fun." Definitely, not Dennis replied. You will be accompanied by Audrey, as she also needs to have a vacation as well. Billy, totally disgusted, while shaking his head in disbelieve, as he could not believe, what his ears had heard, storming out of the sitting room, in the direction of his bedroom.

There lay Billy, on his bed, swearing at Dennis, underneath his breath, thinking to himself, what a cunt Dennis could be, never keeping too his word, and now sending Audrey to accompany him on his vacation, to spoil all his fun. Audrey must have been feeling the tension in the house, as she asked Dennis? " How could you send me on vacation with Billy, surely he is old enough to look after himself..." Dennis, angrily shouted," Fuck Audrey, don't you want to spend time with Billy? " Of course I do." She yelled. "So take him with you to our timeshare, or have you got someone else, who you want to take with you." Dennis yelled. "Now you been fucking silly, Dennis. You know I am married to you." She yelled. Billy feeling the tension between Audrey and Dennis in the sitting room, quickly returned to the sitting room, from his bedroom. Feeling rather guilty for been the cause of the tension, between the two of them. Billy grabbed Audrey, around the neck and placing his head on her shoulder, as he said, " I am sorry Audrey, for been the cause of the tension between the two of you, but am sure we can make this a vacation that neither one of us, will ever forget. While asking? "So when will we be departing." Audrey laughing replied, "Our timeshare is from this Thursday, until the following Wednesday, so we won't have much time to prepare." Laughing, Billy returned to his bedroom. There he lay on his bed, while wondering what was install for him.

The car was packed, and the rising sun was beginning to peep over the horizon, and Billy and Audrey, were ready to tackle their long journey. While Dennis, was staring at Billy, as he said. " You better behave yourself Billy, otherwise there could be trouble for you, when you return." Audrey, burst out laughing, as she said, " Don't worry, Dennis, he will be no match for me. Dennis hugged Audrey, as he kissed her goodbye. Billy driving, they left for their destination. There they were, like chalk and cheese, travelling in the same car, on a journey, which was going to have a duration of a good few hours. The silence between the two of them was deafening, only to be broken by the blaring choice of music, every now and then, made by Audrey. While Billy was concentrating on the traffic on the road a head. Off went Audrey's shoes, and onto the dashboard went her feet, as she sat there, in her bucket seat, flashing her panties in the direction of Billy, while listening to the blaring music. Billy seeing how Audrey, was sitting, mumble, " Not very lady like." Causing Audrey to burst out laughing, as she softly said, " Who ever said, I was lady? " Bringing a grin to Billy's face, while still not saying another word. They continued on there journey.

Finally the journey was over, and into the reception area of the hotel they walked to book in. The receptionist, seeing Audrey, quickly greeted her, by her name. Bringing a grin from Billy, as he said, " Wow, Audrey, seems like you are well known wherever you go." Audrey, smiling back at Billy, mumbled, " You surely don't me." With the key to their room, and the porter carrying there luggage, they made their way to there room, which was on the third floor, over looking the beach. On entering their room, and Billy seeing the double bed, looked at Audrey, and mumbled, " We are two." Audrey just shook her head, as the porter exited the room, closing the door behind him. Audrey, burst out laughing, as she stared at Billy, as she said, " Billy, don't tell me you are scared of me." Billy blushing, answered, " I don't think, Dennis, would agree with this." Audrey, burst out laughing as she said. " Forget about Dennis, he is not here, it is only the two of us." Billy, neatly packed all his clothing into his cupboard, while Audrey grabbed hold of her thong bikini from her luggage, and slipped into the bathroom, to slip into her thong bikini, while Billy was sitting on the couch, playing with his camera. Audrey exited the bathroom, only dressed in her sunflower yellow thong bikini, which was rather revealing, leaving very little for the imagination, as she asked? " Billy what do you think?" Causing, Billy to stutter as he was lost for words, as he had never seen Audrey dressed in anything that reveal before. Slowly his stuttering turned into words, as he asked? " Has Dennis, ever seen you dressed like this?" Audrey, angrily replied, " Fuck Billy, how many times must I tell you, Dennis is not here. It is only the two of us, and I bought this bikini just for you." Billy, blushing, as he mumbled, " Fuck Audrey, I would not be seen dead, on the beach, with you wearing something like that." Audrey slipped her beach gown over her thong bikini, and left for the beach, while Billy was still playing with his camera, while standing at the balcony window, as Audrey made her grand entrance, onto the beach, showing off her sexy bronzed body, barely covered by her thong Bikini, which was a birds eye view from their balcony window.

The rays of the sun were slipping away, beneath the horizon of the sea. While Nerd Billy, was still been fascinated by his photographs he had taken, from the balcony window, with his new toy. As Audrey entered their room, seeing Billy, still seated on the couch, playing with his camera, shook her head as she yelled, " Fuck Billy, if I knew this holiday, was going to turn out like this, I would have stayed at home." Billy, grinning, as he held up his camera, as he said, "Haha, I have got some photographs of everything, you were up to on the beach, this afternoon. Audrey grabbed his camera, as she yelled, " What the fuck do you mean?" Billy laughing, as he said, " I saw you flirting with some the surfers on the beach. and some of them oiling down your body with their hands" Audrey, angrily said, " What the fuck, am I suppose to do, if you are too scared to leave our room?" Billy grinning, answered, " Me scared, not on your life, I was just hoping you would be much more of a lady, than you have been so far." Laughing to herself, as she mumbled, to herself, " Billy you fucken Nerd, you surely don't know who the fuck I am." As she made her way towards the bathroom, to take a shower, before sprucing herself up for dinner. While Billy was still playing with his camera, Audrey exited the bathroom, her hair still dripping, and her body draped in a towel, causing Billy to blush. Audrey seeing Billy blushing, she walked over towards him on the couch, standing in front of him, as she said, " Billy, Don't tell me, you have never seen a women dressed like this?" Billy blushing even more than before, Audrey, let her towel fall to the floor, standing starkers' in front of Billy, as she said, " Was this, what you were hoping to see?" There she stood, rubbing on her breasts, with her two hands slowly pulling on her nipples. Billy stood up, as if to say, he had seen enough, or was he on his way to the bathroom. As passing, Audrey grabbed hold of his cock, with her one hand, feeling his hardon, Audrey burst out laughing, as she said, " Fuck, I am so glad I put some life into you." Billy burst out laughing as he made his way, into the bathroom, to have a shower. While Audrey got dressed for dinner. Audrey dressed more like a tart than a lady, Billy exited the bathroom totally naked, as if to be one better than Audrey. Laughing, as he said, " What is good for the Goose, is good for the Gander." as he walked towards his wardrobe to take hold of his clothes, to get dressed for dinner. As Audrey, exited the room, to make her way down to the dining room.

Billy, on entering the dining room, saw Audrey, sitting at a table in the corner, over looking the see, sipping on her whisky, while waving in Billy's direction, as if she was trying to draw his attention, causing all the other guests in the dining room to stare at Billy. Billy reaching the table took his seat at the table, as he muttered to Audrey, " Was that necessary?" Audrey burst out laughing as she loudly replied, " Come on Billy, are you embarrassed to let everyone know you are my Toyboy?" Billy blushing, and not saying a word, as he took a sip on his drink, that Audrey had already ordered for him.

Dinner over, and the fun only seemed to be starting, as they left the dining room, arm in arm, as they made there way, towards the cocktail bar, There they sat, sipping on their drinks, and Billy, getting more and more relaxed, while listening to the folk singer, who was seated on a stool, on the stage in the corner, of the cocktail bar. Who seemed to have a great sense of humor, cracking jokes about Cougars and Toyboy's. As he stared in the direction of Audrey and Billy, while cracking jokes, which seemed to be centered around Audrey and Billy, bringing loud cheers from all the other guests. causing Billy to blush with every cheer. Billy feeling more and more embarrassed, and not sure what the other guests were thinking. Billy stared into Audrey's, eyes as he whispered, " Audrey, my bed is calling me." Audrey, burst out laughing as she said loudly, " Come on Billy, the night is still young, or can't you wait any longer to have me in bed. Bringing a loud laughter from all the other guests sitting at the tables in their vicinity, as they stared in Audrey and Billy's direction.

It was pumpkin hour and the clock had struck twelve, and the folk singer was thanking the guests, while packing away his guitar. While the guest were finishing their drinks. As Audrey and Billy stood up, to exit the cocktail bar, to make their way towards their room. As the two men at the table next to theirs, staring at Billy, muttered, " How lucky can he be, wishing they were him?" Causing Aubrey to burst out laughing as her and Billy left the cocktail bar, arm in arm. On entering their room, Billy looked at Audrey as he asked, " So where, will I be sleeping?" Audrey grinning replied, " Next to me." Billy, grinning, said, " I am sure Dennis wouldn't like that." Audrey burst out laughing as she said, " How will he know, unless you going to tell him" Billy grinning asked, " Why? Should I?" Audrey grinning, slipped out of her dress, clad only in her thong panty, while Billy slipped out of his clothes, standing naked, and their clothes strewn everywhere, they slipped into bed. Billy sleeping on the edge, and Audrey in the middle of the bed. Audrey seeing where Billy was sleeping, she crept closer towards Billy, her breasts flush against his back, and her arms wrapped around his upper body, and the feeling of her body tight against his, caused Billy's cock to grow and grow, as Audrey whispered. "You don't have to worry Billy, I won't bite you." Billy, turned his head towards Audrey, looking at her, he whispered, " I wouldn't mind if you did." Audrey grabbed hold of Billy's erect cock as she yelled, " Are you ready for me?" Billy grinning, replied, " My cock is always ready." Audrey rolled Billy onto his back, and her kneeling on the bed, Audrey slipped Billy's cock into her mouth. Sucking on his cock, slipping it deeper into her mouth, and Billy's cock growing in every dimension by second, Billy could sense Audrey was enjoying every moment, as Billy let out a yell, " Fuck, Audrey, a 69 would be better for me." Audrey coking on Billy's cock, slowly released Billy's cock from her mouth as she stared at Billy, as she said, " Fuck Billy, you will keep surprising me." Sliding her body on top of Billy's, there she lay, her pussy flush against Billy's face, and Billy's cock deep inside her mouth, Billy started to lick on Audrey's pussy, causing Audrey to moan and groan as her clit started to protrude, her clit rubbing on the tip of Billy's nose, as Billy's tongue slipped between her pussy lips, causing Audrey's moans and groans to get louder and louder, as Audrey was climaxing. While Billy's mouth moved closer and closer towards her clit, causing Audrey to gag on Billy's cock, while Billy was sucking on her clit. Both Audrey and Billy sucking for all they are worth, Audrey had another orgasm, while Billy shot a load of his warm sticky cum deep down her throat, causing her to choke on his cum. Cum everywhere, running down her chin, her neck and all over her breasts, and her pussy juice seeping through her pussy lips drenching Billy's face. They both rolled over, lying on their backs, Audrey grabbed hold of Billy's cock with her one hand, as she mumbled, " Fuck Billy, I need you inside me. Rolling over and lying on her side, she begged Billy to insert his rock hard cock into her pussy. Billy slowly thrusting his rock hard cock deep inside her pussy. Billy started to fuck Audrey. Audrey screaming, and moaning and groan like a whore, and Audrey begging Billy to fuck her harder and harder. Billy bouncing his pelvis, hard against the cheeks of her butt, as Billy thrust his cock as deep as he could, there was no stopping Billy, fucking and fucking Audrey, for all his worth. The screaming from Audrey was deafening, as she screamed, " Fuck Billy, you going to make me cum. Cum, cum, she did, Billy's cock covered with her cum, but there was no stopping Billy fucking Audrey, and him panting and panting from all the ferocious fucking, finally drenching her pussy with another load of his cum. There they lay, Billy's cock still deep inside her pussy, and cum seeping onto her leg from her pussy, as Audrey stared at Billy, as she mumbled. " Fuck Billy, this is only the first night," Billy grinning replied. " It can only get better as the nights go by." Audrey grinning at Billy, as she mumbled, " Billy what do you mean?" Billy burst out laughing, as he muttered, " Surely this is not going to be a one night stand." Audrey pinching on Billy's nipple as she said, "definitely not, will teach Dennis a lesson for sending me on vacation with you." Billy burst out laughing, as he said, " Way better than Paris would have ever been." Still laughing, he muttered, " Dennis better never know how we spent this vacation." Both clasped in each others arms they fell a sleep.

The rest of the Vacation to follow..

Written by KeepPeeping

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